Calling the Circle
A Sacred Feminine Women's Gathering
Meet Our Advisory Collective
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Lena Bartula
Lena Bartula is an artist, writer, curator, and gallerist. Her work, textile and mixed media, is rooted in social conscious-
ness, environmental awareness and a deep appreciation for women’s work. In her studio practice, reclaimed fabrics and
found objects become transformed into imaginary garments, inspired by cultural and traditional clothing. Her book, Whispers in the Threads, published in 2019, celebrates 15 years of a series of contemporary huipils, an indigenous blouse in the Mesoamerican tradition.

Karen Kinney
Karen Kinney is a writer, visual artist, and teacher. A lifelong feminist, she is passionate about providing platforms for women’s spiritual perspectives and experiences. She authors a quarterly newsletter on the divine feminine and co-leads writing groups designed to support the union of mysticism and words on the page. She has pursued a multifaceted art
career, exhibiting internationally, and has designed installations for the Los Angeles International Airport. She is the
author of two books, and her most recent one, Doorways to Transformation: Everyday Wisdom for the Creative Soul.

Susan Page
Susan Page is the Founder and Executive Director of the San Miguel Writers’ Conference and Literary Festival, now in its sixteenth year. Previously, she served as the Director of Women’s Services at the University of California, Berkeley. For twenty-two years, before moving to Mexico, she conducted relationship workshops, and is the author of five books about this work including the classic, If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? and Why Talking
is Not Enough.

Dr. Ratka Mira Popovic
Dr. Ratka Mira Popovic has been an initiated Priestess since 1985 and holds a Doctorate degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Her passion is the intersection of magic and medicine. She teaches and stewards women into their
Sacred Feminine. She has had a complementary medicine and massage practice, in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA,
since 1991. She has taught as a professor, lecturer and workshop facilitator, within institutions, i.e. De Anza College’s Massage Therapy Program, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, University of California,
Berkeley, and Kaiser Hospital. nectarhealth.net

Dorothy Wallstein
Dorothy Wallstein was a holistic medical clinician, lecturer and researcher for 27 years in England. She founded the Northern College of Homeopathic Medicine in Newcastle, an educational non-profit and worked as a lead researcher
and clinician at The Marylebone Clinic/ St Mary’s Hospital Medical School. After completing a Sloan Fellowship at London Business School, she began offering business strategy and leadership development in mergers and acquisitions
with her own company, Wallstein Associates, and later for Andersen Consulting as a senior manager and ‘thought leader’. She is now a freelance consultant and investor in start-ups and non-profits as well as a certified Permaculture Designer.

Maia Williams
Synchronicity and stories about San Miguel de Allende attracted Maia Williams and her husband to Mexico in 2011, for “a year of living creatively.” They decided to stay. Over the next four years, Maia was named co-director of San Miguel's international Writers’ Conference, launched the city's Prose and Poetry Cafés, Crossroads arts maga-zine, and Wild Muse writing workshops and creative journeys. She topped off her U.S. business career managing major developments as president of the leading sales and marketing firm in the Carolinas.

Bobbi Van
Bobbi Van is a painter/sculptor in San Miguel de Allende who relocated from NYC 5 years ago. She has had over 30
years of marketing and creating strategic alliances with companies, helping people connect with their vision. She was
a TedX curator and facilitator for 6 years in NYC and studied transformational options to live a richer life for twenty years. She has spent the past 10 years coaching and examining the ways of women in different stages of their lives and facilitated “Courageous Conversations” in NYC and San Miguel.